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أهم الأخبار والأحداث


تعاون السفارة اليابانية

بلدية الحازمية واليابان تجمعهما الإنسانية...

بعد سلسلة اجتماعات عقدت بين رئيس المجلس البلدي في الحازمية السيد جان الياس الأسمر والسفير الياباني  في لبنان Matahiro Yamaguchi، بحضور سعادة النائب دكتور فرد بستاني، توصّل المجتمعون الى استنباط آلية عمل بين مكتب التنمية المحلية ومسؤولي السفارة أثمرت عن توقيع بروتوكول تعاون يوم الثلاثاء في 5/2/2019 بين البلدية والدولة اليابانية متمثلة بسفارتها بغية تجهيز مركز الرعاية الصحية في بلدية الحازمية بجميع المعدات الطبية الحديثة والمتطورة.

تجدر الإشارة الى انّ  دراسة هذا المركز قد نـفــّـذت من قبل UNDP على مستوى عال من الرقي والتطوّر، وبمواصفات عالمية، ونفــّذت الأشغال من قبل متعهد لبناني على نفقة البلدية وبإشرافها بواسطة عضو المجلس البلدي المهندس سليم صقر، فصار مركز الرعاية الصحية جاهزاً كبناء ومجهزاً بأجود أنواع المفروشات وأكثرها حداثة، على أن يفتح ابوابه فور ورود الهبة اليابانية المتعلقة بالمعدات الطبية. 

لأننا نهتم فنحن ننتمي!

كلمة الرئيس جان الياس الأسمر: 

Your Excellency,

Dear colleagues and friends, 

We first met with your Excellency through our mutual and dear friend and Deputy Dr. Fred Boustany. The meetings then continued with the people in charge in your embassy and  Mrs. Hanane El Haber – the head of the local development office in Hazmieh municipality. The fruit of these meetings is today’s gathering.

Today, at your premises; the land of technology and ethics, the land of nobility and development, the land of respect for human being and values, we’re here to sign a protocol of cooperation, in order to equip the health care center in Hazmieh municipality with all modern medical equipments.

The study of this center was carried out by UNDP at a high level respecting all the international standards. The contracting works were funded by Hazmieh municipality and carried out by a professional Lebanese company under the direct supervision of the municipality, especially my colleague Eng. Salim Sakr.

This center is ready, today, as a building and equipped with the finest type of furniture.

Your generous contribution will come to complete all the medical equipment. The center will then be able to operate as soon as possible, under the supervision of a specialized medical team, thus providing the best medical services, respecting the highest standard of quality.

Your patronage for the opening ceremony, where we will remove the curtain for the marble plaque of your generous contribution, will be an honor for us and for our beloved city Hazmieh, that is proud to have the first and largest investor, Deputy Dr. Boustany: the partner of our success and for whom we have all the respect.

Your Excellency,

We renew our gratitude to you, to the people in charge in your embassy and all the working staff, and we highly appreciate your country’s generosity in all the artistic, cultural, and scientific donations that you export to the world in general and especially to our beloved country Lebanon.

I do really wish to have a continued cooperation with you for the common good.

We wish you, your Excellency, and your country many successes and all the prosperity you surely deserve.

Jean E. El-Asmar

President of Hazmieh 

Municipality Council