An ancient town, priding itself on its children and residents...
First monuments dated from the third century BC with the construction of Zubaydah barrages
Its star began to shine in the beginning of the eighteenth century
Today, it has a leading and distinguished role among Lebanese towns.
Geographical Location:
The town of Hazmieh is located in the southern suburbs of Beirut, at a distance of 6 km from the capital.
- North: Beirut River and Sin El Fil Boulevard - the intersection of Chevrolet.
- West: Camille Chamoun Boulevard down to the intersection with Simon Gallery.
- South: from the intersection of Simon Gallery until El Sayad roundabout to the north and up to Rihaniyya Junction further north.
- East: the limits of the military school.
The Hazmieh region will become, more than ever, a link between all regions after the completion of the circular highway that crosses near Dar El Sayad roundabout. It is worth noticing that thanks to its strategic location, thousands of cars cross Hazmieh every day heading to various Lebanese regions.
Between 50 m and 200 m above sea level.
About 3 km² (specifically 2.73 km²)
Number of commercial units:
Around 2,000 units.
Number of housing units:
Nearly 7,500 units.
Number of residents:
About 55 thousand people.
Registered Population in Hazmieh:
5,750 people.
Number of voters:
About 2,750 voters.
The population of Hazmieh is composed of the typical Lebanese ethnicity that belongs to all religious communities, and this is what distinguishes it from other towns.